Saturday, October 1, 2011

Astig: Authentic People, Authentic Story

This independent film is a story of the lives of four ordinary men, each facing an obstacle in life.

The primary message of the film, for me, is that people have different ways of solving their problems. Sometimes, solving our problems become so difficult and bothersome that we have to resort to immoral solutions. Kapit-patalim, as referred to in Filipino.

Somehow, the movie made me understand why they do such things. It made it easy for me to put myself in their shoes and imagine myself in their situation. What would I do? This question became easier to answer that I allowed myself to be tolerant of these acts for a moment, only for a moment.

Added to the great plot of the film is the excellent acting of the actors portraying their role. Although it was clear that the camera used was not the high definition type and the shots were not that amazing, these things made the film more real to me.

Symbolisms were also present in the movie. The falsified documents Ariel produces represent his lies and fabricated stories to the women he victimized.  in Boy's story, the cinema represents hope, perhaps a solution for his problems to be solved. On the other hand, Ronald's dilapidated building that has been rejected by many buyers represents his identity as a person. He was also rejected by his half-brothers, half-sisters and even his father. Baste, for me, is a symbol of a young father, a young man bombarded with a lot of responsibilities.

The movie gave me another reason to love indie films. It's real, interesting and leaves me in awe. I am looking forward for more authentic stories. i encourage everyone to support indie films especially now that a fusion between indie and mainstream films is in the works.